2.0 mm hex wrench
2.5 mm hex wrench
cross-head screwdriver
label zip ties *9
diagonal pliers
lint-free cloth
thermal paste
UV light panel
1.Turn off the printer and unplug the power cord.
2.Loosen the 7 screws securing the rear cover using a 2.0 mm Allen wrench, then remove the rear cover.
3.Loosen the 3 screws securing the top of the right-side cover using a 2.5 mm Allen wrench.
4.Loosen the 3 screws securing the bottom of the right-side cover using a 2.0 mm Allen wrench.
5.Carefully open the right-side cover, detach the Wi-Fi ribbon cable from the mainboard, and remove the cover.
6.Label each ribbon cable connected to the mainboard and the interface board using label ties or labels.
7.Cut the tie which securing the mechanical sensor ribbon cable , using diagonal pliers.
8.Disconnect all the ribbon cables from the interface board, UV light, and mainboard.
9.Remove the black tape covering the touch screen connector, lift the ribbon cable cover, and detach the touch screen ribbon cable.
Note: Retain the black tape for reuse.
10.Remove the black tape covering the LCD screen connector, lift the ribbon cable cover, and detach the LCD screen ribbon cable.Peel off the black tape covering the LCD screen connector, lift the ribbon cable cover, and carefully remove the LCD screen ribbon cable.
Note: Retain the black tape for reuse.
11.Loosen the 3 screws securing the top of the left-side cover using a 2.5 mm Allen wrench.
12.Loosen the 3 screws securing the bottom of the left-side cover using a 2.0 mm Allen wrench, then remove the left-side cover.
13.Loosen the 2 screws securing the bottom of the front cover using a 2.0 mm Allen wrench.
14.Loosen the 8 screws securing the bottom cover using a 2.5 mm Allen wrench, and remove the bottom cover assembly.
Note: When loosening the last 2 screws, please take care to prevent the bottom cover from falling.
15.Loosen the 4 screws securing the light-shield using a cross-head screwdriver, and remove the light-shield.
16. Loosen the 4 screws securing the lens using a cross-head screwdriver, and remove the lens assembly.
17.Loosen the 2 screws securing the UV light panel using a 2.5 mm Allen wrench.
18.Neatly arrange the ribbon cables connected to the UV light panel, and remove the exhausted UV light panel.
19.Apply an even layer of thermal paste to the heatsink where the UV light panel will be installed.
20.Install the new UV light panel, arrange the UV light and thermistor ribbon cables, align the screw holes, and secure the UV light panel using a 2.5 mm Allen wrench.
21.Wipe away any excess thermal paste around the edges of the UV light panel using a lint-free cloth.
22. Align the screw holes, install the lens, securing it with a Phillips head screwdriver.
Note: Route the UV light ribbon cable through the groove in the light-shield.
23.Align the screw holes and UV light position, install the light-shield, and secure it with a Phillips head screwdriver.
24.Clean the lens surface using a lint-free cloth to prevent fingerprints or dirt.
25.Remove the bottom cover assembly and identify the correct orientation based on the screw hole positions.
26.Align the screw holes, install the bottom cover, and secure it using a 2.5 mm Allen wrench.
Note: Ensure that all ribbon cables are neatly arranged and not pinched under the cover.
27.Secure the 2 screws at the bottom of the front cover using a 2.0 mm Allen wrench.
28.Secure the 3 screws at the bottom of the left-side cover using a 2.0 mm Allen wrench.
29.Reconnect all ribbon cables to their respective connectors on the mainboard and interface board according to the labels.
30.Reconnect all ribbon cables to their respective connectors on the mainboard and interface board according to the labels.
31.Secure the mechanical sensor ribbon cable with label zip ties , organize all ribbon cables into the designated clips.
32.Insert the touch screen ribbon cable, secure the ribbon cable cover, and apply the black tape.
33.Insert the LCD screen ribbon cable, secure the ribbon cable cover, and apply the black tape.
Note: Ensure the touch screen ribbon cable is installed in the correct direction.
34.Reinstall the right-side cover, reconnect the Wi-Fi ribbon cable to the mainboard connector.
35.Align the screw holes and button holes, install the right-side cover, and secure it using a 2.5 mm Allen wrench.
36.Secure the 3 screws at the bottom of the right-side cover using a 2.0 mm Allen wrench.
37.Reinstall the rear cover and secure it using a 2.0 mm Allen wrench.
38.Plug in the power cord and turn on the printer,Wait for the self-check to complete, and the printer is now ready to use.